Reminds me of my headcannon of when the MLP ones meet their counterparts in a parallel world set in 11th century Scotland. A Macbeth scenario with the Nun, a she-form of the Monk from Doctor Who, in the witch’s role and the parallel Twylight as Macbeth. And the Rainbow be in MAcduff’s place with Fluttershy and Pinkie as some extras; each part magical creature because of a blood transfusion on their mothers, hence their powers which they use for the benefit of others as superheroes. And Rainbow’s parents adopt their Scoodaloo.
The Macbeth Rainbow wears this armour. But she is part-Asian and part-African in the Macheth play, so ehr armou’s got African and Asian theme. Her shield be metal but African theme. She also wields a kukri, an African spear, a recurve bow and arrows, a nunchuck, and bolas. A kukri fits her sass; and also how she’s willing to go dirty such as how its used for cutting wood and food as well as foliage.
The Macbeth Rainbow wears this armour. But she is part-Asian and part-African in the Macheth play, so ehr armou’s got African and Asian theme. Her shield be metal but African theme. She also wields a kukri, an African spear, a recurve bow and arrows, a nunchuck, and bolas. A kukri fits her sass; and also how she’s willing to go dirty such as how its used for cutting wood and food as well as foliage.