Original Description:
This is how I think The Last Crusade should have ended.
Sweetie Belle: Whispering Tell them that it’s your house, Scoots.
Scootaloo: Whispering No, Dashie. It’s fine. Out loud This house is getting old and has seen better days. It should be… Sniffs Destroyed.
Fluttershy: Worried Oh, my…
Rarity: Also worried But, Scootaloo, with both your parents and aunts dead, where will you live…?
Scootaloo: Sniffs Well… I guess I shall live… Sniffs again I suppose I shall live…..
Bow and Windy: With us!
Scootaloo: Surprised H-Huh?
Windy: Smiles happily You shall live with us! Won’t you, Scootaloo?
Scootaloo: Starts leaking tears of happiness With you two? Oh, thank you, Win-Mom! Of course I will!
Rainbow: Grins And you shall also live with me too! Won’t ya, little sis?
Scootaloo: Grins as she leaks more tears Yes! Yes! Of course I will, big sister!
Bow: Group hug!
Rainbow and her new little sister run over to their parents and the four all share a big hug
Everypony else: Awwwwww!
Note: This is based on the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh/Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day.
I wish this did happen. It be sweet if Scoodaloo was adopt by Rainbow’s clan.