Original Description:
Originally posted on: June 14, 2013, 5:26 PM UTC
Some Friends
was stuck on a train for twelve hours. colored in the four individually. had trouble pasting them into one whole picture.
Angel~ going to have pink hair, but the blonde was nice. liked her coat white too. cutie mark~ a pink cupcake with a tiny red heart on it.
Serenity~ was going to have a red mane. decided to go green and yellow, but then wanted purple. started to look like spike, not what i wanted, so the ribbons became blue, might recolor. cutie mark~ treble clef with a heart
Solomon~ was about to become black with ice mane, but sister’s opinion decided that he should have a light coat. cutie mark~ a spyglass atop a book
Krystal~ also was going to have red mane. decided to try a different route and pick orange. cutie mark~ a wall mirror with a handheld mirror inside.