>her teats begin to speed up production
>“Or should I say, how much can you boys handle?”
After doing >>3053985, I had an urge to make a multiboob version of it, using an old idea from nearly 2 years ago I had in my personal drawings where she’s a waitress of a fancy milk pub where most mares working in it are like this, from the usual single crotch pair (that are massive) to 4 pairs of teats (like in pic), always filled with milk ready to serve you however much you like. You can get other milk related drinks like milkshakes and even alcoholic milk drinks, all made with their mare milk. There is also special services like a mare milk pool you can swim in, always fresh as a mare sits by the edge filling it with her endlessly gushing teats, and even more special, rent a private room for yourself and which ever mare you like to have some fun with her teats.