@Officer Hotpants
this is one of the things to consider for a realistic time travel, everything moves, earth, solar system, galaxy, universe expands.
but hopefully we can imagine there’s a «force» binding us while we travel in time, depending of the method, it’s gravity.
thing is, time and gravity are associated. you have to cheat gravity to travel in time, it’s slower around the sun, even slower around a giant star, and almost stops around a blackhole.
or using a wormhole, even an artificial one you could not use one on earth.
Then there’s causality and time paradox. if you modify the past you alter the future you’re in. If you meet yourself in the past, you may just disintegrate. (Antimatter is kind of… matter going backwards in time, if it meets its own, they disintegrate) But worry not, here’s another approach that also works!
if you go back in time successfully by any way, wormhole, quantum entanglement, magic, you name em, well, the future you come from ceases to exist for you. You will travel to a future you have made - you are into the new timeline. Even the smallest thing you do will alter the future, not violating the you would have just entered a new timeline among many and hence can influence the future all you want.
Thing that would be interesting : Cheat the lottery, you have the results of the day, you want to make hundreds of millions. You go back in time to play the winning numbers, and surprise, they are not the same.
You re-verify, check the same things, meet the same people greeting you the same way, play again, numbers of the result may still vary, that would confirm that every timeline are different. Just like I’d jump further back in time with something more predictable, say, the early 2000s and buy Google stocks. Go back to 2022 slam the door of my DeLorean and discover that AOL or Lycos purchased Google. Try with Apple… Wait what? Sun Microsystems purchased Apple? What about Facebook? Domain is for sale, Bored@ and StumbleUpon are the biggest ranking social media. The timeline would be slightly different because everything is random and the future is never determined.
@Anonymous #5B8A
That one’s less a matter of the technology and more a matter of knowing all the factors that need to be calculated. You’ve got the movement of the planet in the solar system, the movement of the solar system in the galaxy, the movement of the galaxy through the universe and probably a ton more that I can’t even think of off the top of my head or that there might not be a way to calculate from within the system (is the universe moving through some unknown medium?). It’s one of those scenarios where if you miss a tiny 1cm screw the whole construct will collapse and fuck you.
@Officer Hotpants
My assumption is that if you have the ability to travel in time, then traveling in space is probably trivial for you. It’s just a little mental author’s note I insert so that I can enjoy time-travel stories without distracting myself by poking at the premise.
Yeah, that always bothers me in fiction. You go back in time a minute without accounting for the movement of the Earth around the sun (to say nothing of the movement of the solar system and galaxy) and, if you’re lucky, you’ll find yourself falling to your death. If you’re unlucky you’ll asphyxiate in either space or solid stone. Or possibly burn to death inside and out simultaneously in magma.
A really good point that I haven’t seen too often in fiction. The Earth is moving and therefore going back in time the Earth would likely not even be there at that exact moment. Though perhaps Equestria and it’s geocentric model is different.
@Anonymous #5B8A
Also, you cannot travel through time without traveling through space. so you have to be a space pony before being a time pony.
voila, this answers everything.
That would be cool. The universe rolls a random seed every time you load your save. Fuck you, savescummers.
this is one of the things to consider for a realistic time travel, everything moves, earth, solar system, galaxy, universe expands.
but hopefully we can imagine there’s a «force» binding us while we travel in time, depending of the method, it’s gravity.
thing is, time and gravity are associated. you have to cheat gravity to travel in time, it’s slower around the sun, even slower around a giant star, and almost stops around a blackhole.
or using a wormhole, even an artificial one you could not use one on earth.
Then there’s causality and time paradox. if you modify the past you alter the future you’re in. If you meet yourself in the past, you may just disintegrate. (Antimatter is kind of… matter going backwards in time, if it meets its own, they disintegrate) But worry not, here’s another approach that also works!

your current filter.if you go back in time successfully by any way, wormhole, quantum entanglement, magic, you name em, well, the future you come from ceases to exist for you. You will travel to a future you have made - you are into the new timeline. Even the smallest thing you do will alter the future, not violating the you would have just entered a new timeline among many and hence can influence the future all you want.
Thing that would be interesting : Cheat the lottery, you have the results of the day, you want to make hundreds of millions. You go back in time to play the winning numbers, and surprise, they are not the same.
You re-verify, check the same things, meet the same people greeting you the same way, play again, numbers of the result may still vary, that would confirm that every timeline are different. Just like I’d jump further back in time with something more predictable, say, the early 2000s and buy Google stocks. Go back to 2022 slam the door of my DeLorean and discover that AOL or Lycos purchased Google. Try with Apple… Wait what? Sun Microsystems purchased Apple? What about Facebook? Domain is for sale, Bored@ and StumbleUpon are the biggest ranking social media. The timeline would be slightly different because everything is random and the future is never determined.
That one’s less a matter of the technology and more a matter of knowing all the factors that need to be calculated. You’ve got the movement of the planet in the solar system, the movement of the solar system in the galaxy, the movement of the galaxy through the universe and probably a ton more that I can’t even think of off the top of my head or that there might not be a way to calculate from within the system (is the universe moving through some unknown medium?). It’s one of those scenarios where if you miss a tiny 1cm screw the whole construct will collapse and fuck you.
My assumption is that if you have the ability to travel in time, then traveling in space is probably trivial for you. It’s just a little mental author’s note I insert so that I can enjoy time-travel stories without distracting myself by poking at the premise.
Yeah, that always bothers me in fiction. You go back in time a minute without accounting for the movement of the Earth around the sun (to say nothing of the movement of the solar system and galaxy) and, if you’re lucky, you’ll find yourself falling to your death. If you’re unlucky you’ll asphyxiate in either space or solid stone. Or possibly burn to death inside and out simultaneously in magma.
A really good point that I haven’t seen too often in fiction. The Earth is moving and therefore going back in time the Earth would likely not even be there at that exact moment. Though perhaps Equestria and it’s geocentric model is different.
Also, you cannot travel through time without traveling through space. so you have to be a space pony before being a time pony.
voila, this answers everything.
Well, Star Dancer does have those stars on her butt. Maybe she IS a space pony. The Pinkster is silly, but she’s not always wrong.
Pinkie’s crazy. You can’t take anything she says seriously.
She is, according to Pinkie

your current filter.Don’t worry, I know she isn’t.
You draw good pictures.
No, no. Didn’t you read the title? She’s not a space pony.
Or that trippy scene from 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Old album covers was my first thought as well. Second thought, old Atari games
thanks! bout the time i wanted to post that one, internet at home is a wreck. i’m gonna have a few more to finish soon~