Race: Earth Pony
Parents: Burnt Oak and unknown unicorn
Siblings: N/A
Love Interest: Applejack (it’s firmly one-sided in the Brightverse and Proseverse)
Cutie Mark: tree with a small flame above it
Talent: candle making; lamp-making
Fun Facts:
-He prefers to be called simply “Wick”
-He was conceived during Burnt Oak’s one night stand with a unicorn mare. At that time, Bright Mac had recently passed away. Overwhelmed with grief, Burnt Oak went on a solo trip to Appleloosa, wanting to contemplate on things. There, he got drunk at a saloon and ended up in bed with a pretty mare who approached him. Burnt Oak doesn’t like talking about that night, but has reluctantly told his son as to how he ended up in his care.
-When he was born, Wick’s mother approached Burnt Oak with him bundled up in a basket. After informing him that the foal was his, she told him she didn’t have the time nor means to raise him. In mutual agreement, Burnt Oak raised him after setting up a second home in Appleloosa.
-Although his job isn’t related to his hobby/talent, Wick enjoys it immensely.
-During his first day on the job, Wick accidentally found out he was allergic to mustard. A chef was on the train that day and had suggested he try his new weird dish. Out of curiosity, Wick did try it…and ended up needing a quick trip to the nearest hospital.
-He’s got a crush on Applejack, finding her honesty and hard working nature attractive. Though he accepts that she doesn’t feel the same way and is fine with admiring from afar. They’re still good friends to this day, something that Wick is content with as long as she’s happy.