

Syntax quick reference: **bold** *italic* ||hide text|| `code` __underline__ ~~strike~~ ^sup^ %sub%

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Anonymous #32D4
In my headcannon, some point out Twylight and her accomplice’s sins; the Marer Do Well hoax, the Walking Dead, Rarity’s wing stunt, Applejack’s lies, Applejac treating Applebloom as a weakling, Rarity betraying Sweetibelel including the sister holiday, Twylight’s gambit to steal from Queen Novo, and Twylight betraying the CMC. All had consequences such as riots and many including Sunset getting hurt. Similar to dialogue from this but with different words.
Anonymous #32D4
I saw this on Youtube. Daring Do was a nice one.
Pooh as Murray Frankli tickle me so much. And fitting. Pooh’s the sort who’d object to someone killing for fun and to be sickened on the terrible consequences of such acts.