“Of course I am, Applejack! If we’re going to make this work, I need to contribute to the farm, no buts about it.”
Rarity stood next to the thick apple tree, looking it up and down, trying to decide where to strike. Applejack leaned against Bessie, arms crossed and worried, both for her tree and the unicorn. Apples were known to be stubborn, but Rarity was proving to be more than a match even for Applejack.
Rarity pulled up her star-spattered boots and tightened the knot on her flannel shirt, both utterly spotless. She had come in what she had thought was suitable “country wear”, and Applejack had to stifle her laughter when she first saw it. Still, it was Rarity and she wanted to lend a hand, so Applejack let the imitation slide, for now at least. She was sure there would be ample opportunity for teasing later anyhow.
Applejack sighed. “Look, ya already did wonders fer the stand, ya really don’t need to~~”
“Hup-up-up, I won’t hear of it, Applejack. You said so yourself that the crop is too much for you and Macintosh alone, and I insist on helping.”
Reluctantly, Applejack submitted to this. She certainly couldn’t argue with her, and she had been thinking of calling for some extra help from some of the other Apples, maybe even hiring around town if it came to that. Rarity was free, save only for joining them for lunch and a small sample of the next cider batch. It was certainly easier on the farm’s coffers.
“Alright sugar, show me what ya got.”
Rarity leaned back, tightening herself up, then unleashed her kick like a coiled spring. With as much force as she could muster, she struck at the base of the tree.
There was a loud KRRCK!
Then there was a louder scream.