In case you think she looks a bit young, that’s cause she is! I wanted to capture the innocence of a young adult celestia before her conflict with luna :3Finally finished her!! Only took like 30-40 hours total >.> I’m 100% happy with this picture and could not have hoped for a better turnout - So cute! So pretty! So kawaii! Look at dem eyes, dat mane, dat flank. Mmm.
Nothing like a cool, refreshing dip in your favorite stream to wash away the cares of the world! Celestia’s probably my favorite pony due to aesthetics, though I do like luna, twi and fluttershy. I couldnt have done this pic without the support of my patrons! If you’d like to help me make more pics like these, please consider checking out my patreon at www.patreon.com/Aurelleah