We're shutting down :D

Rampant Alicorn - The majestic steed of a blessed crusade (Masqueraded Esteem)
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Autist - How long until you notice this?  I noticed it after 4 days , but really I didn't even look till now.
Lil Shid Culture - If you see someone with a lil shid badge, you should refer to them by "Listen here you lil shid."
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (The Bellstrike)

Site Developer
For about a week while we migrate the server, and the mods get a nice break out of it.
We’re also looking for assistants.
If you need your pony fix in that period, I’m sure there’s like a half dozen other boorus right?
Anyway, nothing’s wrong just moving some servers and it might take UPS a week or a bit more to physically get me the server in hand. Server’s been having issues lately and I’ve been silently routing code and VM’s away from hardware that’s failing onboard as if it were a Voyager probe.
Edit: We’ll be going offline when I physically unplug it. Which is only after I’ve taken a full backup. Which could take a while. This is well in advance, and a long time coming.
Rampant Alicorn - The majestic steed of a blessed crusade (Masqueraded Esteem)
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Autist - How long until you notice this?  I noticed it after 4 days , but really I didn't even look till now.
Lil Shid Culture - If you see someone with a lil shid badge, you should refer to them by "Listen here you lil shid."
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (The Bellstrike)

Site Developer
This was written on April 1st then I got pretty sick and cons and broke my ankle and yeah, it’s not been a great time but work must go on. Yeah about a week downtime, mods could use a break and honestly you guys will like the performance improvements when it’s done, though I think latency will increase at the new DC location when I slot the new system in place.
Thankfully this isn’t e-sports and latency is moot on the site as long as it’s responsive.
This won’t happen till I complete the backup of the system, which is honestly going slower than I want it to. I already have a backup, but I wanted a fresh one at a new location as I prefer the security of multiple backups.
Hopefully the site will come back. But either way, I have downloaded all my faves.
If you want Site Assistant when we come up again send a dm to one of the admins fr fr, get that interview. Use that Master Rizz that Fleur has.
I’m goofing off, honestly. I just want to get a few site assistants to help the mods as they’re very stressed and do it for free. Thankfully most of you are laid back except for that one guy that keeps spamming the email wanting an unban. The answer is still no.
Twilight Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
A toast - Incredibly based

Princess of GREGGS
Do you have a date in mind for when you’ll start the move?
We’re also looking for assistants.
I might be able to help, depending on what you need me to do. I seem to spend a lot of time here.
Twilight Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
A toast - Incredibly based

Princess of GREGGS
This site has always been walking with a limp when it comes to staff hasn’t it?
Certainly. Especially now since two of the most active mods resigned last year and never got replaced.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

If I had to hazard a guess, based on experience from other organizations. Work delegation is an issue. One or two very active mods cover for the others based on real IRL stuff, and then they themselves have stuff come up/leave for whatever reason and no one wants to be in the position of that one mod/assistant or really can fill in fully in s similar way even when they try. High burnout/turnover. I don’t consider it to be something that anyone is at fault in this case as I fully can believe most or all of the staff having IRL issues that prevent them from working on stuff also speaking from experience from places that I run/help administer No comment on the drama
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
It is someone’s fault. It’s the fault of the Derpi trolls who raided this site and took advantage of rules loopholes to manipulate enough people here to dogpile the mods until they quit.
Who would volunteer after that knowing your head is always inches from the chopping block?
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Don’t you remember last year when a ton of people showed up out of nowhere, posted ragebait of unknown characters, and whipped most of the site users into a frenzy against Acres and 2k, and then they all the people who started the trouble magically disappeared never to be heard from again. Whole thing stinks of a raid to me.
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