Hidden Tags Still Show?


Worse Than Hitler
I personally dislike anthro ponies, and extreme things like watersports/scat–I’ve hidden them by my filters, but they still show up as spoilers despite being in the ‘hidden’ tags part of my personal filter. I’m guessing this will be fixed at some point in the future, or is this intentional? I thought that the ‘hidden’ tag meant that it didn’t show up at all, not even as a spoilered image.
Anonymous #A41B
If anyone else is experiencing this issue of “Hidden” tags in your filter showing as “spoilered” instead, this issue should be automatically resolved in the near future, and should not apply to any images uploaded in the future. This should ONLY be an issue with existing images.
If you do notice this happening to any images of the ID:6350 or greater, please let us know however!
If you wish to help solve this issue in the mean time, if you notice any of these images you can simply click the EDIT tags button and then immediately click SAVE tags with no changes. This should resolve the issue for that specific image. This will be done in bulk soon however if you don’t mind simply waiting.
-Moderation Staff
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