full/view pictures are missing

Artist -

There are many posts with generated thumbnail, but full resolution is missing, and browser shows empty post without image. It is about 2/3 of searchable pictures.
I wrote some quick and dirty script to check proportion of posts missing full-res version, it gives about 2/3 arts which have full resolution missing. Sometimes ‘large’ version is missing too. This scripts samples random images by hash prefix, so it is possible to estimate large proportion of images without some versions.
curl -sS ‘https://ponybooru.org/api/v1/json/search/images?filter_id=3&per_page=50&q=sha512_hash:1234*’ |
jq -rc ‘.images[].representations | [.full, .thumb, .large] | @tsv’ |
while read full thumb large ; do
echo “$full” ———– ;
curl -IsS “$full” “$thumb” “$large” | grep ‘HTTP/’ ;
I also looked for bounds of pictures with missing full versions. They are mostly concentrated in the ranges id.gte:4,id.lte:785938 and id.gte:1292184,id.lte:1355391 (with some small fraction of exceptions, large in absolute values, but small in relative)
Also, range id.gte:1355392,id.lte:1483796 mostly consists of ‘processed:false’ pictures without any versions or thumbs.
Artist -

ranges id.gte:4,id.lte:785938 and id.gte:1292184,id.lte:1355391 are fixed at this moment, now they give full resolution pictures without problems.
Posts in the range id.gte:1355392,id.lte:1483796 still gives ‘HTTP 403 Forbidden’ mistakes for all versions.

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