Video sharing thread

Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Toy packaging is designed so slaves stocking shelves in toy stores know where to put them so the stores can track sales.
I’ve worked as a slave in several stores and I can tell you two things:
  1. ALL retail managers are assholes, without exception, and almost all of them are middle-aged Hispanic women with glasses who hate men.
  2. No one puts anything in any particular order. You have 4 hours before asshole customers with unlimited money and unlimited free time come in to buy bleach and scented beads, you fill every square inch of space as quick as possible and you make room because the entire box must be emptied, nothing is allowed to go back, so if you have to you stuff multiple shelves full of the same item that was over-ordered. A week later, after asshole customers have turned the place into a mess, the salaried workers who are ineligible for overtime organize everything and complain about the state of disarray the hourly workers made stuffing things anywhere because the salaried workers told them to hurry and make sure nothing is sent back.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
In case anyone was wondering, these are scented beads:
They are squishy, rubber things like half the size of a grape and they float in a tub filled with some kind of slime that smells like different things. People can’t get enough of these things. The tubs are made of flimsy plastic and if you drop it it will leak even if the lid is screwed on. At least the ones I’ve seen anyway. Made in Michigan.
People like to buy this stuff and highly diluted bleach. It’s diluted so that it sells for a dollar. The entire shipment always sells out within hours with some people buying six or more bottles. They sure love that stuff.
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