Video sharing thread

Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
The other day I woke up in the middle of the night because I have to pee every 4 hours and I thought of this and wrote a several page essay by lantern light. I think I went into more detail than the video did and I might make my own much better video in the future on this subject.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Arthur C. Clarke’s World of Strange Powers
This is the kind of mystery/“supernatural” program that existed prior to I’d say this past decade.
Just take a look at the segment at the beginning with Ted Serios. There’s a session of him trying to make “thoughtographs” (photographs created through psychic powers directly influencing film stock) ten years after he stopped doing that and he produced a few duds. That proves nothing because you can take any athlete a decade or more past retirement and have them make fools of themselves trying to perform physical feats.
Next we have two “professional skep-dicks” who show how a photograph could be created with a trick device. Again, this proves nothing because, as we just saw many of Serios’ photographs have noticeable differences from the actual objects, so he can’t just be reproducing miniature slides, unless he doctored the slides beforehand to be different (Serios was an alcoholic bellhop by profession, not a photographer, so there’s no reason to suspect he knew how to create or alter film negatives).
It also doesn’t take into account the facts that:
  1. Many times the “gismo” Serios used was covered up by the hand of the person taking the picture and yet it still produced images on film.
  2. Many times Serios didn’t use the gismo at all and still produced images on film.
  3. Serios was able to produce images on film when the camera was physically distant from him, 66 feet away at one point, and also was able to produce images on film when the camera was in a different room entirely.
  4. Serios produced images while being filmed continuously and no evidence of sleight of hand has ever been discovered.
    99.99% of people watching the program don’t know that because they haven’t taken the time to actually read the primary sources or do any investigation into the subject at all. “Professional skep-dicks” are able to con people by taking advantage of their ignorance to make it look like everything other than atheistic materialism is a fraud. Their “debunking” arguments sound credible at first glance but fall apart when you investigate what really happened.
    I don’t remember seeing a single documentary about anything related to UFOs, bigfoot, or psychic powers that wasn’t “balanced” by an atheist magician pretending to be an expert until the mid 2000s.
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