Community Collab Image 2024 This year's collab has begun! Post your submissions here

Post a Random (NSFW) Image From Your Favorites.

Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Go to your Ponybooru favorites and select a random “explicit” or “questionable” rated image and post it below, then explain why you like it, besides just “hot”, and what, if anything, you think could make it better.
Embed the image via the proper formatting so that users’ filters will work properly.  
Petite Glimmer and very well done. If done well, small teats could be a nice addition, but I’m not sure how well it would fit with her form.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

@Exhumed Legume  
And now I find that very amusing as well. So now the exotic idea I get from that is “Kirin cum refineries producing Kirin gasoline” or something.
The shading is very well done, and it’s untagged somwewhat casual nudity combined with the subtle gold accessories. It’s tagged pink-mane Celestia but it’s more salmon or something and I’d personally like it to be pinker.
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