Derpibooru Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Relief Thread

Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event

Why is that a bad thing? I’ve never considered myself apart of any fandom, but I enjoy both pony art and fanfiction. Look my dude, It seems like you’ve got a lot of doom and gloom in your life. Don’t depend on strangers over the internet to provide happiness, or validation, or anything else.
At the end of the day, we don’t know each other, and the odds anyone here will meet IRL outside of a con, are astronomically low. It you’re worried about loosing online friends, don’t. I learned this lesson a long time ago. Don’t bank on strangers to pay your way.
Take a break, I think it will help you greatly. :)
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event

@Anonymous #5849
Thanks guys! ^^
We’ve gotten off track again, but luckily for me I ran into something quite annoying on Derpi.
Every time I post over there, something has gone wrong. Either it’s the april fools joke I made becoming my first pic with a negative score. (I assume because I went with a soup theme, and not preening) Or one user who seems to make a habit of messaging me, sometimes on different accounts to beg for free requests, then they vanish when I say I only do commissions.
Oh, and he was on a different account this time. Not sure if sock puppeting or what? In general derpi really seems to have become everything it claimed to be against. :(
Anonymous #5F71
I had similar experiences with some very unpleaseant people who couldn’t understand the concept of other person not wanting to be their friend, mostly because their concept of a “friend” was a person who always agreed with them, always replied to their messages no matter what time of the day, always gave them everything they wanted and never, ever said anything hurtful, no matter if it was true or not.  
In other words, they wanted you to be their personal slave, and never could understand why someone would refuse to because that’s autism for you.
And derpi staff reaction to this? Just some smug variations of “Have you considered that maybe you are the one to blame and so you should be more patient and tolerant with people who just happens to be one of our pets? Give them a second, third, fourth and infinite chances, think about it.”
And so and so.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

Oh, and he was on a different account this time. Not sure if sock puppeting or what?
There’s more than one such person, simply by law of large numbers. Though sockpuppeting is also very much possible, given how there’s been enough ban-evading users for derpi to try justifying their “discouragement bans”.
@Anonymous #5F71  
Some people are organically incapable of taking “no” for an answer. And some other people are incapable of insisting on their stance.  
And derpi staff features both aplenty.
Anonymous #5F71
I was talking about people with genuine autism.  
They honestly believe that the conversation keeps going until they get what they want, no matter if it has been days or weeks since the last time you said “no” or just ignored them to move on.  
They simply cannot register the idea of them being annoying people who do nothing but push others away, all what they care about is that they want something and the other guy has no choice but to give it to them “because that’s what friends do”, and there’s no human power that could make them understand that friendship do not work like that.  
On all of my time on the internet I have never met a single autist who could just shut up, accept a no for an answer and move on, and based on my experience dealing with them, looks like I never will.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

@Anonymous #5F71  
That’s not caused by autism itself. It’s caused by having low Emotional Quotient, that is, emotional equivalent of IQ, which is in turn can be caused by autism and several other disorders (such as Cluster B aka terminal immaturity).  
Basically you most likely have encountered high-functioning autists before, they just didn’t have low enough EQ to register on your tard-dar.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event

@Anonymous #5F71
Actually, that’s called narcissism. Believing they are god, and woe to you if you tell them otherwise. I’ve known three IRL, no longer friends, and it’s actually quite common. I think derpi is what happens when you get several in a position of power. :P
I could tell it was them, because they talk the same way.
Opening message: How are you??
I respond then they follow up with: Will you do such and such please??
I tell them they have to pay a fee, and they go dark until my next post a month or two later. Not much more than a nuisance, but annoying enough to make me dread uploading.
The cherry on top of it, is that Source Filmmaker and all of the models you can download are free. It speaks volumes of laziness to pester someone to do free work, when one could easily do it themselves for just as much. >.<
Anonymous #9EBF
Imagine that. One of the more notorious leftists on there just announce they were back from a one month ban. What got into staff?
Anonymous #7590
@Anonymous #9EBF  
>one month ban  
How notorious is that leftist user? I don’t follow the trend of political ideals that much, but when it comes with the left, is no good in many ways.
Anonymous #7590
@Anonymous #5849  
Correct me if I’m wrong, didn’t woot quit the site by himself or he got banned because he whined too much the drama and doxxed someone?
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