Big Bad Politics!

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@Anonymous #372F  
I have seen that argument a lot of times and its pretty stupid tbh. Regardless of the how much it is or is not an actual problem in Ukraine since i really got no idea about it.
A person seeking power and money is quite often not held back by their ethnicity/origin/religion to support terrible practices and terrible ideology if it benefits them. More likely they gonna take advantage of these factors to garner support even if they don’t really care about it.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

I can’t believe how spot on the Western Intelligence was on this. I count myself as a skeptic to such intelligence for good reason, not the least of which our incompetence of Afghanistan recently. I thought that they were being overly jittery and that the US was PTSD over Afghanistan plus war hype media echochamber. I thought, alright sure, Putin might take the rest of the Donbass and maybe a landbridge to Crimea but that would be the end of it. Think about it, if he had just done that, the west would be disunited and only give him minor sanctions. US and UK would have egg on our face for panicing about a war. He would have discredited a weakened Ukrainian pro-west administration Have extra territory for messing with Ukraine later AND HAVE PULLED A KOSOVO. I am no Russia SIMP but I would have called that masterstatecraft if you ask me. But noooooooooooooooo! He just had to invade all of it. I am someone who hasn’t fully believed that Putin is no longer a rational actor but I am inching closer to it.
@Dex Stewart  
Derpi siding with Putin, what? Derpi? You are kinding!
Anonymous #1AB1
USA should invade canada and steal its gas from northern territories to sell it to Europe to decrease Europes dependance on russian gas. Canada is a backwater unimportant kingdom and their voice does not matter.
Anonymous #EFA4
@Anonymous #1AB1  
Tempting as it is, I wouldn’t try to cure an evil with even more evil within the limits of what’s possible. Canadians have it already bad enough with a prime minister who will get their bank accounts frozen for even sneeze against him.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

Hate for Trump trumps the fact that Putin is clearly holding back in an attempt to minimally disrupt civilians.  
Whether it’s to avoid guerillas, sabotage ukraine’s attempt to create militias, or preserve the infrastructure he needs for himself, he’s barely using artillery and hasn’t opened up with surgical strikes against civilian targets like power plants - he’s specifically targetting military installations only.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

didnt they open 20 or 30mm auto cannon on a hospital, hit a aparment building with a rocket (though it could have been a missfire or error in calculations) and assaulted a hydroelectric?
while its true that they havent used artillery or rocket artillery, word is that they have been using thermobaric rockets wich are banned by the geneva convention
other explanation would be that they didnt think they’d need such armament due to overconfience or not expecting the ukranian people to dig in so deep
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

and assaulted a hydroelectric?
Well yeah, they kinda need to capture the power plants if they’re not going to destroy them.  
hit a aparment building with a rocket (though it could have been a missfire or error in calculations)
Guaranteed misfire, only retards intentionally shoot apartment complexes with ONE rocket.  
didnt they open 20 or 30mm auto cannon on a hospital
Haven’t heard anything about that. I’ll believe it when I see the video of it happening, given that absolutely fucking everyone has phones now and there’s plenty of photo/video evidence for everything else, and ukrainian/NATO media has been known to be bullshitting, like the “russian tank” (ukrainian AA) driving over a car in Kyiv, or the “13 defenders telling Russian ship to fuck off and all dying” (they surrendered and have been recorded arriving safely as prisoners to Russian-controlled city).  
P.S. Or, more recently, “children’s hospital hit by russian artillery/MRLS, one child dead, two wounded along with two adults” - even the basic fucking premise is mutually exclusive (if it was actually hit by artillery, they’d need to count the casualties by roster), and even if you disregard that, it’s a lie: the victims are to gunfire, near the hospital, and have been brought in for treatment.  
Also, why the fuck are there even CHILDREN in ACTIVE WARZONE? Are civilians not being evacuated on children first (because they’re not combat capable) principle?  
word is that they have been using thermobaric rockets wich are banned by the geneva convention
No they’re not. Geneva Convention bans the use of incendiary weapons (i.e. flamethrowers) on people. Thermobarics aren’t incendiaries, they cause volumetric explosions - all the fuel they bring is burned out immediately. They’re basically regular explosives that minimise damage to infrastructure.  
or not expecting the ukranian people to dig in so deep
Kyiv is besieged, and so are the other regional centers close to the border. Again, russians could’ve easily leveled the whole place with artillery, moreso that it’s cities and not industries, but they’re not.
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Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Goofy war. Pro-ukraine side reposting videos of ukrainian fails and atrocities and saying it’s actually Russians doing it. Neo nazis (trained by Israel) firing from residential areas using civilians as meat shields, trying to bait russians into shooting back (not working, btw). Militias fighting each other in the streets. Actual military doing nothing, instead sending civilians armed with… water balloons.
You see, our democracy is a frail and delicate thing and it must be protected by the mass killing of civilians in rogue countries and even in friendly ones, which in order to protect our values only the US and Israel are able to do it. Remember: it’s who we are. Letting just anyone kill  
random civilians —especially those tyrannical Russians— threatens our democracy, our values and who we are.
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