Community Collab Image 2024 This year's collab has begun! Post your submissions here

Content Safety

By default, content that is safe and suitable for all ages is all you'll see on the site, and how most of our users browse. The default filters focus on art, so filter out things like memes and what some users would consider "spam".

Filters let you customize what content you see on the site. This means that with the appropriate filter selected, you can access content which is not suitable for everyone, such as sexually explicit, grimdark or gory material.

By changing away from the default filters, you accept you are legally permitted to view this content in your jurisdiction. If in doubt, stick with the recommended default filters.

Browsing Filters

Images posted on the site are tagged, allowing you to easily search for content. You can also filter out content you'd rather not see using filters. Filters are sets of tags - spoilered tags and hidden tags. Spoilers are images that show up as thumbnails instead of the image, letting you click through and find out more about an image before deciding to view it or not. Hidden tags will simply hide images.

There are set of global filters to pick from which cover some common use-cases. If you're logged in you can also customize these filters and make your own, as well as quickly switch (via the menu on every page) between them.

So how do these work?

You can select any filter you can see. This will become your active filter and will affect how you see the site. You can edit filters if you own them - you can create a filter from scratch with the link under "My Filters" (if you're logged in, of course) or by clicking "Customize", which will copy an existing filter for you to edit.

By default all the filters you create are private and only visible by you. You can have as many as you like and switch between them instantly with no limits. You can also create a public filter, which can be seen and used by any user on the site, allowing you to share useful filters with others.

Search Filters

Some users maintain custom filters which are publicly shared; you can search these filters with the box below.

For more information, see the search syntax documentation. Search results are sorted alphabetically.

Search Results


Maintained by rex22

Absolutely Everything

Maintained by Caramel

Absolutely Everything

Actually Everything

Maintained by Alternate5

Shows actually Everything


Maintained by ScriptKitty

Hides nothing but scat.


Maintained by Edgar Villafanha


Maintained by


Maintained by Moppot


New Filter

Maintained by Sezaru-VV


Maintained by Mysterio21


Maintained by ponveu

Shows everything except AI-generated

No filter

Maintained by Ponyman2

No filer

No Shit

Maintained by SombodyElse

No scat, diper, fart fetish etc

No Vore

Maintained by Nightmare

No webm temp

Maintained by ArchiveAnon


Maintained by richard_noggin


Maintained by Demb

Hides all safe art.


Maintained by Wild-fire

Sex Filter

Maintained by SilentObserver01

Filters out all safe content leaving only porn.


Maintained by batuhan2304

Images That Should Only be Special


Maintained by MikeDeathEye


Truly Everything

Maintained by Dinos4Ever

Show now mercy


Maintained by samsasf

The site's default filter.


Maintained by ArnalGallar

Allowed fields

Field SelectorTypeDescriptionExample
creatorLiteralMatches the creator of this filter.creator:AppleDash
nameLiteralMatches the name of this filter. This is the default
descriptionFull TextMatches the description of this filter.description:the show's rating
created_atDate/Time RangeMatches the creation time of this filter.created_at:2015
idNumeric RangeMatches the numeric surrogate key for this
spoilered_countNumeric RangeMatches the number of spoilered tags in this filter.spoilered_count:1
hidden_countNumeric RangeMatches the number of hidden tags in this filter.hidden_count:1
myMetamy:filters matches filters you have published if you are signed in. my:filters
systemBooleanMatches system filterssystem:true
publicBooleanMatches public filters. Note that public:false matches only your own private filters. public:false
user_idLiteralMatches filters with the specified user_id.user_id:307505

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