
This acrylic painting shows a scene from a little story I have thought of but not written down so far. It would essentially be the story of the early MLP episodes but from the point of view of Celestia.  
We see her brooding and making decisions near the Tree of Harmony on the Eve of the fateful Summer Sun Celebration of the first episode.I consider it very unlikely that she was taken by surprise by the return of Nightmare Moon but much rather that she was aware of what would happen during the Summer Sun Celebration and that she allowed herself to be captured since this would be the only chance for a return of Luna. This still may have been a great risk for Celestia to take. Moreover it meant giving up whatever control she still may have had about the Elements of Harmony. Seeing how Twilight’s Cutie Mark is represented much larger and higher on the Tree of Harmony than those of Celestia and Luna, chances are that the implications of what happened that night may go way farer than we realize so far. The surroundings of the Tree of Harmony don’t look exactly like they do in the show, but I wanted a waterfall nearby and some star sky above rather than the cavern it is set in in the series.


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