“No legion were as fast and reckless as the White Stars, aptly named so because of their enormous appetite for speed, victory, and their habit of achieving both.
And fastest and most reckless out of them all was their Ponyarch, Scootaloo. She constantly felt a need for speed and would seek it out as often as possible. Being a pegasus normally that would mean going fast by flight. But due to a growth disorder her wings did not mature, so she clad her weakness in armour and used other means to achieve high velocities.
She got well along with her fellow Ponyarch Rainbow Dash, with both of them being complete speed-nuts. They were also pretty like-minded, which often led to competition between the two legions, which most of the time ended in a draw. With the White Stars winning in speed, and the Space Hooves winning in raw power.”
Sounds about right.