More art for the Babscon art show. Of all the dwellings around Ponyville in my Equestria dreamscape the most exotic has to be my boss’s home. Floating over a thousand feet above the valley floor RD’s cloud house is one of the distinctive landmarks around Ponyville.
Rainbow Dash’s home looks like a cross between a Greco-Roman temple and a 1960s Las Vegas stage set. From a distance it looks awesome and suitably heroic, however up close one can see that it is in need of a little fixing up. Only one of the rainbow generators works consistently and some of the structural cloud work is in need of patching up. I know because I have been spending more time up there in my dreams. Also the Stay-There Totems are going to need replacing in another year or so.
An interesting fact about cloud houses. While they are primarily constructed of structural cloud which is this naturally occurring from of aerogel that also seems to possess natural levitation properties it is somewhat pliable and will flex, bend and in general morph over time. In fact this is rate of flexing and morphing is one of the determining factors in calculating the quality of structural cloud material. The more rigid the higher the quality. Cloudsdale is constructed from some of the most stable structural cloud material ever obtained by the pegasi. RD’s home is not made of such fine material and her house will actually morphing fairly radically over the course of a day. She then has to go and force back into the configuration she wants. I figure this is my subconscious attempting to explain why her house changes so radically in the actually program.
Swarm of the Century
Party of One