“Don’t give me that attitude.” hissed Spitfire “I’ve been in this longer than you.”. Rainbow Dash just rolled her eyes and slammed her locker shut before turning away.
“Don’t just walk off on me!” Spitfire quickly caught up to her and stopped in front of her “I need to talk to you.” Her expression softened “I can see those sacks under your eyes, you know? You’ve been crying all night haven’t you? And not just one night.” Rainbow Dash stood in silence staring at the floor, avoiding eyecontact.
Spitfire continued “If something is bothering you… just talk to me. I might not seem like it in training and all but I am your friend and I am here for you.” “It’s not the same.” grunted Rainbow Dash through gritted teeth “You’re not… them.” Spitfire sighed “No… And I guess I will never be but if it really bothers you that much that you’re seperated from your friends then maybe this whole thing… isn’t for you.”.
Rainbow Dash looked up at her. Her eyes were completely red. She was obviously trying hard not to cry. “I am fine.” she huffed and pushed Spitfire aside and strode towards the door when it crashed open and Soarin came racing in “RAINBOW!!” he tackled her with a hug “Did Spitfire already tell you?? I bet she did! How could she not, I’m sure she is just as excited as I am!!”. He squished Rainbow Dash in his arms. She tried to push him away from her “What in the name of Celestia are you talking about??”.
Rainbow Dash looked at Spitfire for help but she was turned away and when she noticed that she was blushing in embarrassment it suddenly dawned on her. “SHE SAID YES!” he practically yelled in her ear. Rainbow Dash managed a nervous grin “My.. congratulations! Why didn’t you mention it, Spitfire?”. Spitfire just gave her a sideways look that clearly spelled I’m sorry.
For a few moments Rainbow Dash faught with Soarin to free her when she finally managed to she nearly fell to the ground. She tried to compose herself and when she looked up she saw Soarin who now fully embraced Spitfire, kissing her. Spitfire pushed him away “Soarin that’s not a good “ “No no! I’m really happy for you two!” lied Rainbow Dash, her legs frozen stiff. Spitfire approached her “Rainbow… listen… I know how much you miss her.” !” Spitfire kicked him in the chest to shut him up. For a while it was silent. Rainbow Dash was staring at the floor.
Suddenly Rainbow Dash jumped back “Her?? I don’t know who you…” Soarin started laughing “Oh that’s what you two were talking about! Come on, Rainbow, everyone kn
“I quit.”
With these words the door flung open once again and Rainbow Dash was gone.
She raced down the training lane and took flight. The thick rainclouds made way whe she sped past them. Her coat was soaking wet after a while and from the speed of her flight it froze and made her coat shimmer like a bright nightsky in the few specks of sun.
Once she was above Ponyville she was completely out of breath, huffing she made her way towards one specific building when suddenly her wings gave in from the long flight and she fell. She turned to her back and looked up at the sky, tears falling towards the clouds.
“I’m coming home.”