Fluttershy looked down at the octopus that had suddenly latched on to her chest and smiled.
“Oh! Well hello there! My, my! Why did you decide to visit me today?”
The mollusc pressed closer against her chest. Curious the mermare looked around noticing a couple of groupers and a shark nearby the chiffon yellow mare looked back down at her visitor.
“Um, did you, uh, feel endangered by some of your fellow reef dwellers?”
The octopus looked up a Fluttershy with concern in its eyes. She smiled and gently started stroking its head.
“Well. I will stay here with you until um, they leave. By the way my name is Fluttershy nice to meet you.”
One of the drawings I started during my 2024 Holiday Fundraiser Picarto stream. We were raising money that night for Second Harvest of Silicon Valley. That evening we raised over $3,500 USD to help out individuals in our community. My deepest thanks to everyone who contributed that evening.