Springtime PegasiAnd here we observe the young pegasi in spring time, compelled by instincts to fluff up their feathers and chests to show off their plumage in the traditional display to attract possible mates. Seeking to the perfect spots to display themselves, to the great dismay of any owners of bird baths and alike.I regret nothing.Had some headcanon discussions going on on tumblr, leading into pony mating traditions and stuff. Starting off with me wanting to spread the headcanon that pegasi can go full birdbrain mode in springtime. When we hear and see them birds going nuts in display to attract a mate and celebrate spring, I can’t help but imagine same for pegasi. Poofing up their feathers and chest, for some even subconsciously, showing off their plumage in displays for ant possible mates or the significant other they already got.
For young teen it’s harder because their already hormone driven bodies just refuse to listen to reason, creating the origin of the unwilling wing boner.For earth ponies they got more control over themselves in springtime, although they do enjoy to ran rampage and kick and buck playfully like crazy, rolling around in the dirt in celebration of springtime, when thinking nopony is watching.
All while unicorns go “wtf is wrong with you ponies?” just not getting it :iconteheplz:I just want more birdbrain jokes on pegasi to spread. Come on peeps! It’s fun!
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