Why anthro, because there are no kinky anthro G5 pics on Derpibooru. This one will be the first. Why Pipp? The first G5 bondage pic is of Pipp >>2557384 Princess used in a mocking tone because Pipp may or may not be pegasi royality. No cutiemark because (1) there are no clear refs of Pipp’s canon cutiemark, (2) I have a bad habit of not drawing cutiemarks in, so whatever. Attempted drawing latex shine on her gear for the latex tag. While there are four bondage G5 pics, there are no latex G5 pics of any kind.
Other than that, Pipp seems to have some Celestia vibes to me. Probably because she has a similar ‘wavy’ type hair style. Have to wait until G5 premiers to see if she has a similar personality.