and It was Caramel who was drawn out.. I could have done him slightly bulkier or indeed I could have done him as a Female.. But Alas I went with this dork instead ;D
So yeah, pretty much just there to fill up the background really.. Has had many forms like a Pegasus and a Unicorn Doctor as well.. In Fanarts is often shipped with Applejack though if I had to be brutally honest I’m not a fan.
So yeah, here is Caramel.. He’s a cool dude I guess.
But let’s move on.
The draw has been done for Day 3 and I’m pleased to say it is our first Female Character so this series is less like a Sausage Fest now :P
Clue Time.
They are a School of Friendship Student.. However they are not part of the Student 6.
A Pegasus that can normally be seen in the background of the School.
See you tomorrow :)