Previously it was mentioned that years back Willow Breeze moved to the islands, Capricorn Reef, with her 3 children shortly after the death of her husband. During the Hippie Era (in Equestia’s equivalent of the 1960s), Willow was a large part of pushing the Equality Movement, reaching out to hybrids and other non-equine races of Equestria and spreading awareness against segregation and prejudice.
At some point, in hopes of reaching out to the hybrids that inhabit the island, Willow meets a recluse, workaholic orca pony named Mako. With some persistence Willow helped Mako get out of his shell and become more social, interacting with the festival and realizing that not all non-hybrids are out to get him. Both Willow and Mako become close friends and do develop a bit of a relationship. Seeing how good Mako was with her children, Willow had one point considered making Mako a more.. permanent.. father-figure to her growing foals. Unfortunately it doesn’t work out that way. Afraid of ponies finding out his real age, Mako decides to leave the island to go to Trotland (Scotland) for 20 or so years before he becomes too emotionally attached to Willow and her little family….
The Willowverse is an alternative universe where Mako decides to NOT leave and instead marries Willow, becoming a step-father to Smokescreen, Whirlwind, and Kiwi Breeze and later becomes a grandfather figure to Bubble Lee and Cinderplume.
Some obvious changes is that Bubble and Imago do still meet but the ending of their encounter ends much much MUCH differently. In Willowverse, instead of becoming a nurse, Bubble grows up and joins the Royal Guard at the age of 18 (much to her mother’s disapproval). She specializes in defensive magic and incantation spells. When she gets older, she helps teach trainees different techniques on how to over come powerful magic users.