Page 1180 - Tails of Empire, Part 5Author: ChrisTheSGuest Author’s Note: “I am soooooo looking forward to going back to rectangular word balloons.”Newbiespud’s Note: Not as simple as it looks, huh?
GM: Now that was awesome.
RT: Particularly the bit when we made it beg for forgiveness and promise to give us half its hoard. I applaud your improvisational dialogue skills.
RD: Guess you’re rubbing off on me a bit.
PP: Heck yeah! Take that, scaly menace! Who’s your momma!
TS: Uh… can anyone see my other arm?
RD: Well, thanks for playing, guys. I don’t know if there’ll be a next time, but it was—
TS: Wait a moment. We’re not finished, are we?
RD: Huh?
FS: What about the race?
RD: You… want to finish the race?
PP: That was kinda the point.
AJ: Don’t like leavin’ a job half done.
RD: But… you just did an amazing job together against the dragon. As a team! How can you go back to—
TS: Ah, but we weren’t just competing against each other, remember?
RD: … oh!
OK then… one more skill challenge. And I’m definitely not going to go easy on you!
GM: We wouldn’t want you to.
AJ: Ah check th’ special star charts. Nature roll 27.
RT: I triple-check the figures before entering them into the navicomputer. Arcana roll oh dear. That’s not going to be quite enough, I don’t think.
TS: I use inspire competence to add +2 to the roll.
FS: I’ve finished my modifications to the ship’s engines. Is a 23 enough?
RD: Juuuuust barely.
FS: Oh, thank goodness. So we’re not going to explode in flight?
RD: No promises.
All right, you’ve made all your successes!
RD: Now for mine… roll
That one doesn’t count, it fell on the floor. roll
Bounced into the book! It’s on its side! roll
Jeez! Lucky d20, why do you desert me? In my freaking hour of need!
RD: sigh
You win. The Starbreaker hyperbooms into orbit around Cloudsdale Prime just seconds before Rainbow Dash’s ship arrives.
PP: We did it! We did it! Hoof bump, sisters! And dogs! And mechanical life forms!
AJ: Put that darn knife down first. This ain’t a LARP.
RT: “Thanks to you, mother, we’ve discovered that by cooperating, we can fleece the galaxy much more efficiently than we could as individuals. We will be eternally grateful for this lesson.”
RD: “That was totally not what I was trying to teach you.”
AJ: “Arr! Avast ye, planetlubbers! Th’ Dread Pirate Wind Whistler be comin’ fer yer booty!”
RD: “Go to your room.”
PP: And that’s how the Trade Federation was made!
FS: I thought we’d have learned something more… uplifting.
TS: Not all lessons are nice.
GM: That was pretty fun. See you all next week?
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