She levitated the book open. The words and symbols written on its pages blurred together, turning to an outline—a face she’d seen in her dreams. It didn’t terrify her the way it had last time. Now it seemed like an old friend.
“That’s right. Stoke those embers, feel them rise. Let them burn away the weakness, until only clarity remains. You’re right to hate them. The Equestrian took your life, and yet he expected you to sacrifice on his behalf. The other mocked you, when he knew you were suffering. He kept you trapped here. As though they had the power to contain you! The fire can’t be imprisoned, only appeased.”
She walked forward through her burning house. Great waves of heat and smoke surrounded her, overpowering. She should be blinded and scorched or maybe worse, but that didn’t happen. This heat was her domain—she created it, and grew stronger the longer she stayed. She wanted to burn it.