Clover attempts to catch the stallion off guard with a sneak attack!
(Dif: +3) (Dex: +3) +20 = 26. CRITICAL Success!
Clover is upon Sabre faster than light, her hoof flying for his face with terrifying speed!
Several miles away, ponies were awoken to the sound of a terrifying crack, the echoes to be written down in history as “the single most powerful punch in all of pony history”. Well, for a filly, that is. Her hooves kick off the box behind her, the adrenaline and fear combining into a deadly attack.
If there was anything left of the pony, it definitely wouldn’t remember it in the morning. The punch is so powerful in fact, Clover can’t feel her hoof when she finally lands. Well, more so collides with the wall twenty feet away, her hooves having pushed her through the air with such force. (-2 HP.)
Uhm… victory, I guess. Sabre doesn’t look like he’s going to be moving anytime soon, at least. His nose is bleeding profusely. He’ll never view nose boops from fillies the same again.
This was definitely not the intended result. Clover stumbles to her hooves, shaking the slightly burnt hoof (probably from throwing the world’s most terrifying punch) slightly. She dropped her bow in the attack.
Looking over Sabre, his eyes are stuck shut in a pained expression, the darkness no longer swirling from them. He looks pretty normal, excluding the blood pouring on the floor. Clover is pretty sure he isn’t dead, and with a poke, he gives a little twitch. Yep, not dead.
Well then… what should she do?
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