Opaline’s boss, the one who helped her become an Alicorn the one who helped her become a nemesis that for some reason defeated and overthrew Twilight’s Kingdom, but in
Just imagine Opaline pleading for help.
Opaline: Sunny please! I was just a pawn! Spike is the one who took down Equestria he orchestrated the whole thing! I was just one of his scapegoats..or scappony…Nevermind, the point is…SPIKE IS THE SHADOW KING LF EQUESTRIA!!!
The mane 6 laugh at her
Sunny: Come on really? I know Dragon Lord Spike and I know about him from history, super kind and loyal.
Zipstorm: If he’s the so called mastermind, then I’m the Empress of Griffonstone.
Izzy: And ponies call me crazy?!
Spike and Opaline’s relationship is akin to that of Wuya and Jack Spicer, but with Opaline being Jack Spicer.