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First things first, NO they are not real weapons. They are Nerf wepons. Sweetie Belle has the Warlock Axe, Apple Bloom has the Stonewall Shield and Sword, and Scootaloo has the Klaw Hatchet.
The reason I drew this for EQD’s Artist Training Grounds, is because I had a few lame idea’s for “Draw a pony facing conflict/Draw a pony locked in ‘grizzly’ combat” aside from the obvious pun, and none of them good. So I asked a mate and was basically ordered to draw this, except with Nerf Blasters, but I just couldn’t draw the blasters, so here is Nerf melee weapons instead.
This is probably the longest I’ve spent on a Pony drawing yet, a couple hours. The longest part was just Sweetie Belle’s axe.


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