Page 744 - Fitness FinessePlayers proposing wild, nonsensical solutions that happen to involve cupcakes?No. Never.
Twilight Sparkle: Huh. According to this, just about every pegasus has made significant increases over the week of training.
Applejack: “MUH GAINS?”
Twilight Sparkle: No, their gains. Every single pegasus’s wingpower has steadily improved. Some more than others, but they all add up!
Applejack: No, muh– Ah, forget it.
DM: Totally wrong audience.
Twilight Sparkle: At a glance, the total might be just a bit shy of the record right now.
DM: That is correct.
Rainbow Dash: So we’ve got a couple of days to super-train them even further! Awesome!
DM: That is also correct.
Applejack: But there’s pro’ly gonna be some kinda complication that threatens their chances.
DM: That is… possible.
Pinkie Pie: And the only way to stop it is with a good ol’-fashioned cupcake eating contest!
DM: That is blatantly false.
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