Unlike her name implies, Ruffled ‘Ruffian’ Feathers is a very kind pegasus pony who loves nothing more than flying fast, good times, and supporting her friends. She is in no way one of the fastest pegasi out there, but certainly one of the most durable due to the lengths of the races on the Equestria Circuit.
She can live up to her name though, especially when it comes to racing, as she’s not afraid to push or shove other contestants out of her way, or perform dangerous maneuvers to improve her position. She’s received plenty of backlash about this, seemingly ‘ruffling other’s feathers’, but fans insist it’s what makes the circuit so fun, and what makes Ruffian so her.
But while she is a highly competitive pony, she tries her best to not let an ego get to her. Sure, she loves to win, and will do anything to do so, but she’s also out there for a good time, and the thrill of competition never fails to give her that. Being rough like she is also adds to the feeling, and often riles up her opponents to get a real race going. But once it’s all over, she’s back to her usual self, being a good sport and always congratulating the winner whenever she loses, and shares compliments to the others. Ruffian is never really too sore about losing either - as long as she had fun, that’s a victory in her book! Winning just adds to the celebration.
She also loves her fans, where she treats them like friends and tries to inspire and motivate them to achieve their dreams. Her biggest fan is Lightning Dust, and in return, Ruffian is her biggest fan too. They’re constantly supporting each other in their endeavours, and it was Ruffian’s off-circuit kindness and supportive nature that allowed Lightning to pick herself up after being kicked out of the Wonderbolts Academy, and eventually form the Washouts.
Ruffled Feathers is the second foal to the well-known racing duo of Kickstart and Yellow Lines. Unlike her older sister, Flying Start, Ruffian was fortunate to have fully functioning wings, and once she started to fly, it’s all she ever wanted to do. Her dad took her under his wing almost immediately, and Ruffian was eager to follow in his hoofsteps and become a racer like him.
Growing up in Manehatten wasn’t too easy for a pegasus, but with her famous parents and early confidence, Ruffian handled it with ease. Fly, however, suffered greatly from bullies due to her inability to, well, fly, which was where Ruffian would step in and defend her, not afraid to fight or get dirty, gaining her nickname. But at the same time, she was always there for her sister, trying her best to support her through life, even if Ruffian was younger and didn’t quite understand her situation. She just cared, and that was often enough.
Through flight school, Ruffian excelled at a lot of things, but her agility certainly wasn’t anything impressive. It didn’t matter though, since speed and endurance was all she needed to make the Equestria Circuit, and she was completely right to think so. Thanks to her parents, she was racing professionally in no time, loving every moment of it. But her unique and aggressive style soon started raising flags over the sport. When questioned about her actions, she simply stated that “it’s no fun when there’s no real sense of competition,” which gained her a lot of fans and support for the change to the sport. Ruffian was asked to tone it down a little, but otherwise was allowed to continue racing since it gave the sport a whole new layer of excitement.
Ruffian was now living alone in her own apartment, able to provide for herself, but found herself getting lonely during the off-season. Fly preferred to stay living with their parents, so Ruffian put out a request for a roommate, to which one reckless, Wonderbolt dropout took ahold of. Despite their similarities, Ruffian and Lightning Dust didn’t get off to the best of starts. Lightning was still devastated about having her dreams crushed, but Ruffian tried her best to support her, even offering her a place on her racing team. Lightning declined since “pegasi flying round and round in circles is pretty lame,” but in time, they warmed up to each other, and after meeting Flying Start and hearing her story, and watching Ruffian in action, Lightning Dust was inspired to create her own daredevil team, which Ruffian helped with and supported every step of the way.
Along the line, the two pegasi also fell in love with each other with how supportive the one was for the other, and also their shared love of playing dangerous games. As long as they didn’t overlap, Lightning Dust would always be there at Ruffian’s races, cheering her on, and Ruffian would always attend Washouts shows, watching with awe, and making every show have a perfect end.
Cutie Mark Story:
Ruffian got her cutie mark from her first ever race in school! She wasn’t nervous at all; instead the buzz and excitement of everypony made her jump up and down in joy. She was full of energy for the race, and got her cutie mark mere moments after starting. The wind in her hair, the competition, the elation - she knew this was what she was supposed to do! Even though she lost, the fun that she had gave her a winning smile.
-Ruffian is generally quite calm when not racing. As much as she loves to have fun, she isn’t ridiculously over-the-top like Pinkie Pie. It’s the feeling of competition that gets her so excited.
-Wing massages are her absolute favorite! Good thing too, since they’re so important to keep on racing.
-She loves to travel, which is also part of the Equestria Circuit. Seaside locales are her favorite places!
-Ruffian is a Saggitarius, and pretty much fits it perfectly.
-She suffers from hayfever quite severely.
-She is almost always wearing her jacket and goggles. Only at home, or when she’s in her racesuit instead, does she ever take them off. (Regular jacket left, racesuit right).
-The ‘P’ is seen on the reverse side of her jacket where the cutie mark emblem would be, and on both sides of her flank on her racesuit.
-The ‘Pegasski Racing’ logo is only used on the racesuit, on the reverse side of the cutie mark emblem.
-Colour palette order is in: body, mane/tail, eyes, goggles, jacket.