Original Description:
Fleur-de-Lis was trotting her way through the city, causing the ground to shake and make people recognize her beauty.
“Mmm, a city with expensive traditional buildings, I see.” Fleur-de-Lis said, as she saw so many buildings, even the ones that are closer her body, looking traditional for many centuries, although some buildings within the city are modern.
“Just imagine her beautiful voice…” Some said in awe, as Fleur-de-Lis was a very popular mare who looks very beauty and hot.
“Yes, my voice is beautiful, you tinies can almost love me all the time.” Fleur-de-Lis replied, putting her front left hoof on her chin.
As the giant unicorn mare continued standing between the buildings near her, she was feeling happy that she gets so much respect from the humans, most likely because of the fact they find her a very powerful goddess to them all.
“Where’s that handsome Fancy Pants you usually hang out with?” Asked one man wearing traditional clothes, as he expected Fleur-de-Lis and Fancy Pants together.
“Sorry, but I couldn’t take my sweet stallion with me on the trip.“Fleur-de-Lis told the humans, as she didn’t had time to take the stallion she has loved the most with her. “He’s too busy doing others things in Canterlot…”
“Aww, we hoped that you’d have the fancy stallion with you, miss.” said another woman.
“I might do so… in the future.” Fleur-de-Lis reminded the tinies, as she would bring Fancy Pants with her sooner or later in the future.
Fleur-de-Lis soon levitated some humans closer to her using her magic, giving them some kisses while they are still in the air.
“Man, I never thought I’d get a kiss from such an adorable giant equine like you…!” said another man, as it very unique that he gets kisses from a beautiful unicorn like Fleur-de-Lis when she’s gigantic.
“Humans are something I believe very interesting.” Fleur-de-Lis said in a flattering voice.
Soon Fleur-de-Lis levitated the humans back down nicely, making them touch the ground once again.
Afterwards, Fleur-de-Lis walked again, trying as much careful as she could while she waved goodbye at the humans.