Page 1396 - Over Watch
27th Jun 2020, 6:00 AMI imagine the “suspicious movement” on the perimeter would come in the general form of random pegasi and other flying creatures scouting the barrier and then disappearing behind trees and hills, and it’s always a different pony every time.I’m not actually very good at tactics, but I find tactical reasoning very fun, even if it’s not always feasible or helpful. In the Root game we played a while back, I coined the phrase “Maybe, just maybe, all of these cards will fall into place and make a house,” which kind of sums up how plans in RPGs often go.
Shining Armor: Casting such a huge spell gives me a pretty big headache, though. Kinda wipes me out, too. Not so bad that I can’t do my job, but, y’know.
Applejack: So… making sure you don’t get compromised is paramount, then.
Fluttershy: Is- Is there an army waiting if the barrier goes down, or…?
Pinkie Pie: Oh! Oh! That’s what the spyglass is for!
DM: Exactly.
Shining Armor: So far there’s been a little suspicious movement, but we haven’t been able to identify a pattern or who’s behind it.
Rarity: Canterlot is practically a mountain fortress. Even accounting that at least a third of the population can fly, where would you camp an invasion force? And why would you put them on high alert…?
Rainbow Dash: Five bucks says the barrier goes down before the end of the night.
Applejack: Nahhhhhh. Five bucks says it happens on the wedding day.
Rainbow Dash: … … Not takin’ that.
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