Sorry for not posting often.. I was lazy…!!
(….how do you guys put up with me)
Anyways, here’s 8 facts about my griffon baby Obbie!
When Obbie was young, he would often hoard great treasures for Rainbow Dash. It was alarming at first, but after a few trips back and forth to the national treasurey, and a few long talks with the princesses and a lot of explanations, everything turned out well! _
….though legend has it that to this day, many ponies blame still obbie for the new regulations for bank transitions.
He’s very supportive of his mother. He knows that Rainbow Dash really put herself out there and gave her all in raising him, even if it meant quitting the wonderbolts for his infancy. Now that Obbie is grown, he pushes his mother to go to new heights. Break that record! Get back to the Wonderbolts! Try new things! Go kill those poni- wait what?
Obsidian is known to give his own things away, also including parts of himself. He plucks his feathers for fletchers or potion brewers (mostly zecora), and is unfortunatly the target for many vampire bats. He doesn’t seem to mind though?
Every since they first met, they knew from that very moment, a new friendship was born. They’re extremely close friends, bounding around the wilderness and through ponyville, spreading all kinds of laughter where ever they go!
Obbie noticed how Night tide and Pixie Dust never really seemed to have a normal happy childhood. He acts like a big brother and often whisks them away into some kind of wacky adventure to bring them together and actually spend time enjoying life instead of their royal/celebrity duties. Though this selfless act is often not considered welcome to the two foals.
He is extremely flexible, to the point that many consider him to have more cat than bird in his griffon body. Obbie loves to roll around or stretch on the open grass, and though he usually acts like a normal griffon, there are times you can catch him stretching or grooming himself, and even a purr if you’re lucky!
Okay, a lot of ponies freaked out when Obbie suddenly zoned out, crunching out on some small debris which looked like animal parts. It turned out that Obbie is an obnivore, but he doesn’t eat ‘meat’. What he does eat is small bones of animals that are already dead. (He hates killing or eating meat) So small bones or shells are a crunchy favorite for the griffon. Since it’s so hard to find bones without really killing them himself, he tends to visit zecora for the delicacy.
His mother’s voice brings him more strength than anypony can imagine. Soon a picture to be posted..! (which means when I ain’t lazy) xD