Names most ponies use: Lacey Gender: Female Sexuality: Pan Parents: Fluttershy & Big Mac Species: Earth Pony Talents/Abilities: Fabric weaving. Has a keen eye for threads and what would make a certain kind of fabric.
*Shortcomings: Has difficulty socializing with others, is very quiet and soft spoken, mild OCD (will quietly rearrange/move things around when she’s bored, lonely or nervous) History:
Lacey was the first child of Big Mac and Fluttershy. When she was born she was very frail and weak and had to be kept under close watch. She bonded instantly with Big Mac and, as an infant, would cry for him when she was hurting or ill. When her health started to improve, she would tag along with him on his chores around the farm. Though she was too weak to be of much help, she took great pride in making a little net that hung from her neck and could carry 3-4 apples at a time. As she grew older she began to grow closer to her mother as well and by the time her siblings were born she was able to help out more around the house.
When she started going to school, she mainly hung around with Grey Mornings, Ember Dust and cousin Apple Blossom. It was around this time she also met Rosalie and the two became fast friends. The bold, witty and fashionable little unicorn became Lacey’s connection to a bigger world and, though she was nervous, she gladly accompanied Rosalie on her excursions. It was through Rosalie that Lacey got to know Rarity more and learned how to weave. After that she became enamored with Rarity’s work and took every opportunity to learn more about making clothes and weaving material for them. It became her passion. As soon as her cutie mark appeared Rarity was convinced little Lacey would be an extraordinary craftsmare. The older unicorn agreed to mentor the filly and helped her get a hoof in the door of the fashion world.
By the time Lacey was a teen, she was already perfecting her craft, had grown very close to Rosalie and was on her way to a bright future. Then, she met Noctus. The illegitimate prince began making week long trips to Ponyville and would join her class for lessons while he was visiting. She could see he wasn’t the best at making friends, so she made it her goal to befriend the draconequus. The two had a connection that was entirely new to Lacey and she found that when he was away she craved his company. The two grew closer and closer, even after their school days had passed. Though everyone else could easily see that the two had feelings for one another, they were both hesitant to rush their relationship along. Lacey liked the easy, slow pace they seemed to be moving in and it appeared Noctus did too.