Original Description:
Redesign Contest Entry for MissHuyana ;;v;;
Decided to add some cute little freckles and white socks to her fur to add to their design. <333
This redesign was quite difficult to construct, messing a lot with where the colours should be placed; I wanted to make sure the design of her stuck with a soft pastel colour scheme from the original. <333
Going by two reference pictures given with the hair colours and styles, I really liked the idea of slightly platted hair, long wavy strokes with stripes of colour going through it. <333
I’ve had a lot of enjoyment with designing this character though, hun; definable some good practice since today I’ve been feeling just bored and so unmotivated until the evening. ;;
Anyways, I hope you like how this turned out and thank you for letting me enter into your contest. <3333
contest(mine)- open
I open this contest to celebrate my 200 watchers ! (I’m pretty late, I know it)
You have to redesign this oc : (Created by Kisella)
You can redesign her the way you want, the only rule is that you have to make sure that her hair colors look like this !
My goal is to turn her into my new ponysona by using one of your design (if It suit me perfectly) or making a « mix » of your design’s ideas ! Some tips that should help you :
—Do not do too complicated look ! I need to draw her often, not use her like a decorative oc !
— Simple and effective designs are perfect !
— You can use bases, but keep in head that the aesthetic of the oc play an important role in my futur inspiration, so make it pretty ! To participate : Fav this journal ! Share it ! Don’t be scared to mention people that could be interested !
To participate :”
Character belongs to :iconmisshuyana:
Artwork belongs to :iconinspiredpixels:
Image details
Image size
2377x1500px 1.43 MB
Published: Jul 30, 2018