———————————————————————————————————————————————————————–– Rainbow Dash thought she can handle any situation thrown at her. She is very confident to surpass any challenge she can come across. Whether it being sports, adventure, or danger, the rainbow haired girl is certain to be the best of the best. So let’s see if that still applies when she gets herself caught in wraps. The shiny pink strands of silky wraps tangle and bind Rainbow into a tightening hold, the girl struggling against the unstoppable bounds. They have already managed to cover her petite legs and some of her head, her colorful bangs covering her eyes and her shouts being lowered to simple muffles. Her arms is trapped in the skin-tight cocoon, her other hand being free enough to delay the mummifying process, but who knows how long it’ll last until Rainbow tires out and is encased in the wrappings. She does put up a fight, not wanting to put up with the perilous, not to mention suggestive, trap she is thrown into. Hopefully Rainbow Dash finds a way and escapes this binding plight. Or give in and be mummified wonderfully, either can work.
Yeah, nothing much to say. I’ve been wanting to doodle EG Rainbow Dash again for some time, and I haven’t done wraps for a while, so why not have her go through that? I’ve been trying to work on my style for EG, and I’m open to hear what you guys think and such.