Species: Unicorn
Lineage: Mother1: Starlight Glimmer | Mother2: Whoa Nelly
Sexuality: Homosexual/Bi-Curious
Favourite Food: Hay Burgers
Short Bio: Goal grew up as a happy filly, though always frowned upon by many for her natural chubbyness. Despite that, she had always specially loved sporty activities.
So one day she wished to join her schools buckball team, but, over excitedly ran too fast and tripped, and she felt as if the whole school was pointing their hoofs at her, laughing about her, saying a mare shouldn’t be so fat, she would have had no chance to get in the team anyway as she was so fat, and much worse things.
She also had felt guilty as her younger brother was bullied for how she looked, and for their mother Nelly, so he got a permanent stutter in his voice.
The two siblings got together to show all of their bullies one can enjoy their life despite looks, and disabilities.
So one day, on stage, her brother sang the most beautiful and modern pony songs to date, while Goal herself managed to dance so amazingly many though she’d be using an anti-gravity spell for most of her moves. And right then and there, both of them got their cutie marks.
Goal now goes around, dancing all day long if she could, telling everypony to be themselves, and to not listen to those who want you to be all equal to them.