“Sunset..Mrs. Shimmer…” Sunset soon began to wake up she sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She looked around and saw she was in the principal’s office. She saw Celestia and Luna looking at her giving her a weird look. Sunset soon heard some crinkling and felt she was in a wet diaper! “Why am I hear?” Sunset asked. “That’s what we would like to know Mrs. Shimmer why are you in our office sleeping on the couch in from what I can smell is a very wet diaper.” Sunset blushed looking at Luna. “Sorry ma’am but I don’t know how I got here?” Celestia and Luna looked at each other while Celestia took a seat on her desk. She soon powered up her computer and brought up Sunsets file. It appeared on a small lcd screen embedded to her desk. “Sunset Shimmer, A+ Student, Really a unicorn, Recent update from nurse, now has to wear diapers at school and on trips.” Celestia and Luna read the report from Nurse red heart and the other teachers. “Miss Shimmer is there something going on? We know you would never bring yourself to such embarrassment, unless it was for a friend?” Sunset looked at the principles “You won’t believe me” The principles gave her a concerned look. “you can trust us we’re here for you” Celestia reached a hand towards Sunset and put it on her shoulder. Sunset looked her in the eyes, it was like looking at the caring princesses eyes. “Well I….” Sunset explained what is going on and that she last remembered she was in the schools daycare at 6pm and now she was here? She was asleep for over 12 hours.
Celestia and Luna soon began talking and soon came to talk to Sunset. “Sunset dear we believe you. We know you have a dark past but you have changed for the better and know your one of our best students in this school! You’re smart, caring, and athletic and always share friendship even to those who don’t deserve it and for that we are proud of you. We will search the school cameras and try to find out who is doing this to you and we will talk to the other teachers about your um protection”. “You can call them diapers that’s what they are, and thank you, you two. But I believe I should get changed I just need to get these plastic pants off they’re cutting into my skin” Sunset tried to loosen the panties but she soon felt a lock on the pants! She can’t get them off! Celestia and Luna both tried to help the girl but saw there was a note on her back! “If you want the keys you have to go home and they’ll be on your counter” Luna read out the note. Sunset looked down in shame. Celestia pulled the girl up into a hug. “Don’t worry Sunset I’ll drive you home and give you an exception from school today. Sunset hugged her back and thanked her.