Lt. Derpy Hooves floated in front of the specimen in the auxiliary science lab. The specimen had been encountered floating in space, so along with the isolation force field the gravity field had been disabled in the lab.
The mare muttered to herself as attempted to make sense of the data her science tricorder was presenting her. The life form was unidentified in the ship’s science database, and was presenting conflicting information.
Ooooohhh! Why had Chief Science Officer Twilight Sparkle have to be off ship right now and attending that summit? Derpy thought. She was just suppose to hold down the fort and keep the lights on while Twilight was away. Now she confronted with an apparently new alien life form.
The pegasus was still pondering her options when ship intercom chirped in the lab and commander’s voice came through the speakers.
“Status report Lt. Hooves.”
“Um, commander I’ve been able make a uh, preliminary remote examination of the entity. The entity is definitely of silicon crystalline composition and appears to possess a degree of sapiency . Although to what level I don’t know due to insufficient data.
“So what do you recommend as a course of action?” The commander asked.
Derpy rubbed her chin. “Um, Commander. I, uh believe that keeping the entity onboard the ship maybe, um detrimental to it’s well-being and survival. The entity appeared to be in a state of hibernation when we encountered it. I believe our interaction with it maybe disrupting that. I believe we release it back into space let it go on its way.”
“Release it.” The commander said.
“Yes sir. This is a fairly isolated region of space. Um….” Derpy quickly searched her tricorder for some data. “Um, the nearest settlement is Omicron Theta and that’s a couple light years away. So this should a safe place to release it. We just need to keep our ship’s shields up to avoid accidental interaction with the entity which might injure it.”
For several seconds there was silence. The the commander said. “Very well. We’ll drop the shield momentarily and then you can transported it back out into space. Then we’ll resume our patrol. We’ll file an official report once chief science officer Twilight Sparkle has returned and has reviewed the data. Standby to transport the entity.”
Derpy went over to the lab’s transport control station when she saw the shields drop the mare beamed the being back into the space. The shields immediately came back up and the frigate moved away at warp 4. Derpy smiled.
“It was a really pretty creature. “ She said.
The final drawing from my Star Trek themed Picarto stream. This was a request for Derpy as a Federation officer, and what harm could possibly come from this course of action?
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