Original Description:
IT’s just kissing.
I needed to practice kissing cus honestly it’s something i’ve always struggled with. jeez everything about MLP is easier to draw once you get the hang of it. the proportions and anatomy jsut work so perfectly.Dashfire (That is, Spitfire x Rainbow Dash) is the first shipping I ever really got into. IT all started with A fimfic entitled Fire & Rain by Ruirik. I went into it rather skeptical because honestli I didn’t want to start having yuri pairings between the characters out of fear that it was too fetishy and I loved MLP for something much too profound and innocent to allow those sorts of things to appeal to me. But I was immediately hooked in and Not only did it get me into Dashfire it is what got me into being okay with femaleXfemale pairings in general. now I just don’t care what gender or race the characters are. it doesn’t matter.So yeh for this practice I ended up deciding to do Spitfire and rainbow dash cus I’ve not drawn Spitfire before. The drawing came out really well and then the shading was a huge impact. it was the lighting and other over effects that really hit it home though.
the perspective shot just kinda happened but it was a both interesting and somewhat challenging one to do. but I like it.
I know their wings are a little awkwardly placed but I anted to experiment with wings on a more shoulder position (more similar to Anthro wings) rather than mid-torso like usual and I feel it gave them a gorgeous shape.
Some parts of the colouring were a little tricky but I got through it and it was good experience.. I hope you all enjoy it :3
Oh and I’d thoroughly recommend Fire & Rain to anyone looking for a romance story with a bit of comedy, drama, and lots of deep beautiful romance.
If you like my art and want to help me continue making it, please consider supporting my Patreon ^-^
#34 #atmosphere #atmospheric #bed #bedroom #blush #cartoon #cute #dash #drool #emotion #feathers #hot #hug #hugging #kiss #kissing #laying #love #making #mlp #mouth #nsfw #open #out #passion #pegasus #pony #rainbow #romance #romantic #rule #saliva #sexy #shipping #spitfire #tongue #tongues #view #wings #xai #brony #dashie #xaigatomon #bronies #dashfire #pegasy #fluffyxai #xaipony #side #little #dashxspitfire #rainbowdash #tongueing