( mlp couple base 1 by :iconglittercrystal595: )
Hey everyone ! I’m Skulluigi and welcome to an other fast drawing !
So… Yeah… I know it’s not a thing that I always do but I do crossovers ‘cause I like them ! “ Il y en faut pour tous les gots “ ! It is needed for all the different tastes ! It’s not a big thing but whatever !
I love Kamisama Hajimemashita and My little pony ! So I thought “Hey ! Let’s do a crossover of those two !”
So, there was already a few Kamisama/MLP drawings, but I wanted to do it in my way !
This is the demon pegasus Tomoe laying his wing on the goddess of earth Nanami !
As for the cutie marks ; Tomoe’s cutie is simply his name in japanese. Nanami’s cutie mark is the mikage mark that shows that Nanami is the new earth god after Mikage.
I’m pretty sure that my girlfriend :iconbea-chan-96: will love this ! Knowing that she likes Kamisama Hajimemashita !
Hope you all enjoy this ! See you all soon for more !