(originaly uploaded to aryion on march 2nd 2015, was and still is my most popular vore drawing, uploading here as a test)
Original description
Well here ya guys go after nearly 4 days of work late at night from 11 to sometimes 4 in the morning i have finally finished my first coloured mlp vore digitalization.
Now im gonna say it, i know youre all expecting this, i think this pic is a failure it looks terrible i should have chose an easier drawing.
Anyway guys i tried my best hoepfully it looks better than the sketch.
As always i greatly appreciate feedback especially now that im making the jump from traditional sketches to full on digital stuff.
Anyway i hope you enjoy the drawing, this was my third most faved drawing when it was a sketch so hopefully it does even better now ~.
I look forward to youre feedback, this is FoxKai signing off.