Page 335 - Caption of IndustryAuthor: MakoesNewbiespud’s Note: No Guest Author’s Note for this one. I like this page, though - it feels like it’s poking some fun at the whole screencap comic process. One of my favorite things to do in this comic is take distinct images from the show and give them new context. …Though some reinterpretations are more clever than others.
Caption: In the following scene Fluttershy is taking care of a sick bird who refuses take any medication. Twilight makes the bird take the treatment against their will.
Twilight Sparkle: “Alright bird, time for some hot soup! Open wide!”
Caption: But we here at Friendship is Dragons create custom captions for the characters which opens up more clever and humorous dialogue.
Twilight Sparkle: “Now for the pill. Guess where this one goes!”
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