A…very long overdue comm by the talented Rex-equinox! of Celestia becoming a handsome looking stallion version of herself known as Prince Solaris from a gift from Luna! and he shall take it in stride!
The former Mare now had the front row seats for her eyelash-less eyes to gaze at his new bulkier and even stranger as he would say form…His legs were as thick as an earth pony, along with his neck that now housed the Adam’s apple meant for his soothing baritone voice that could equal to Flutterguy in the singing contest.
With his thicker brows showing signs of contemplation the stallionized Princess was lost in thought over his new form…Who would gift him such a thing? Especially his own sister…was he also turned into a Brother? There had to be something to this as he looked to his less rainbow-ish mane.