>“Well there’s Taku, who a met online, We talked a lot about old anime and other stuff and one day I jokingly invited her over and much to my surprise she actually showed up. and we’ve been hanging out ever since.”
>“And the other one… well she’s not really a friend… more like…”
>You struggle to figure out what you current deal with Moonie is
>“Well, before… this… we didn’t really like each other very much, but we decided to call a truce until we escape this mess.”
>“She kinda has this high and mighty attitude about everything, particularly her taste in video games and such on this website we both frequent. Also makes a point of bragging about how she’s friends with the princess of friendship any chance she gets.”
>“You aren’t talking Moon Dancer are you?” Paradise asks.
>“Yeah” you answer.
>“Thought so, even before you you mentioned the princess of friendship bit.” she chuckles.
>She’s actually a friend of mine.
>Uh oh… hopefully she doesn’t think less of you for talking badly about her friend.
>That concern must be showing on your face as she continues.
>“Don’t worry, I understand completely She does make it hard for others to like her sometimes.”
>“How do you two know each other?” You ask.
>“She came to study pre-unified equestrian pegasi culture at the library at my school, something I was doing an independent study of myself.”
>“huh…” The idea of doing academics in ones free time is rather alien to you.
>Paradise’s smile fades from her face “So she’s here too…” She quietly says before going silent.
>“I think we need to rest for a bit” Home Sick says.
>“Where though?” you ask.
>“Let’s take a look” Home Sick says before taking flight.
>Huh, bet being able to fly must come in handy for keeping an eye out for monsters.
>Home Sick flies to the top of the building to your right and looks out over the area.
>“Over there!” she shouts pointing off to something in the distance.
>The rest of you step out of the alley and take a look.
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