“I was about twenty years old when I found that flyer. ‘Going to the gym?’ I thought. ‘No way!’ – I decided to toss it in my pocket with the intention of throwing it away when I went back home. Once I was home, I forgot about it until later that night when I was throwing my clothes in my hamper and noticed it was sticking out of my pocket. After taking another look, something inside me told me to keep it. To this day, I’m unsure why, but I kept it by my desk. Occasionally, I would glace down at it, pondering if I should go. By the end of the week, I was conflicted. After negotiating with myself for nearly the entire night, I agreed that I would go, but it had to be at the earliest possible time, so no one would watch me. Early next morning, I cautiously walked over to the gym and peeked inside.
“‘Maybe this wasn’t a good idea…’ I said to myself.”
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